At the end of the COVID - 19 pandemic more emphasis was put upon mucosal vaccines although WHO said it's better in the beginning. A number of mucosal vaccines were developed and have been approved by the European Union, US CDC and other nations CDC and the WHO. But what is learned from this pandemic is how to prevent the next one. How to protect ourselves in early days and while injectable vaccines are being researched, developed, investigated, trialed long after the pandemic or any pandemic has begun.
This website presents the best available current knowledge and reports on the up-to-date information written and forwarded by renowned and world authorities.
Global Scientists Designers
With our global solutions we can now provide equality to all nations, reduce much of mankind's vaccine hesitancy, improve safety profiles of drugs, provide a very wide protection against multiple infectious diseases, provide long shelf-life of products reducing wasted billions of dollars, replace expensive cold storage, with home use and much much more.